Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Tweeting Live - Continuing EIBTM Education

Last year I was delighted to deliver a presentation for EIBTM which was called the Pain & Pleasure of Hybrid Events and in that I used the experimental hybrid, Event Camp Europe which had taken place in September, as a case study.

I thought that my presentation had finished but this was not to be the case as earlier this year I was informed that the video was to be used in the Education week of EIBTM in April.

So now I have been asked to become involved in a live Twitter chat on 19th April 2012 and discuss further some of the points that I made back in Barcelona in December 2011.

Personally I think the whole idea of the EIBTM EducationWeek is a great one. With so many educational sessions on offer at the show  in December many event professionals probably missed out on a few due to timetable/show appointment clashes so having an Education week enables people to have the opportunity to catch up on those sessions that they couldn’t attend.  

Involving the speakers and putting the live chat on twitter is a great way of keeping the conversations and learning going.  

Last year there were around 60 educational sessions that took place in the Conference Centre area, plus there were the Future Events Experience and Sustainability sessions on the show floor, so it’s quite an educational offering that works with around 100 speakers and draws in approximately 4,000 people.

Join us on the live twitter chat between 14.00 – 15.00 GMT and participate using #EIBTM and then ask your question. It’s simple. See you there on the chat.  

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

110% Effort is Not Enough

This post is largely aimed at students and new entrants but equally can apply to anyone wishing to move forward in their career. 

I have heard 110% effort become one of those very common clichés that to me really means nothing.

This sounds harsh I know, after you saying that you will put in 110% effort. That has to seal the deal surely? Surely, you have convinced me to give you that job interview or that job? Well, no, not really, because just making the statement on your CV or covering letter is not enough.

You see I am anticipating that if you want to work with me in my organisation then you will be bringing me huge amounts of effort anyway as you step on to your career path.

The expression for me is a little tired now anyway. After all, you are unlikely to say that you will bring me 30% effort so why the 110%? It is meaningless.

But, demonstrate through your CV or covering letter that you are providing all this effort anyway in a different form and I will be much happier.

You could show me by demonstrating; your understanding of the industry language, your understanding of key business terms, showing me that you have been connecting to event professionals, that you have some voluntary experience, that you have taken a position of some responsibility and that you understand the issues facing my organisation and its environment.

Now you have my attention, so kick the old cliché into touch and just show me how your work through details of your activities and then I will know you are really putting the effort in. Now I am ready to talk. 

Related Posts/Resources 

Writing the Perfect CV

Student Zone on Planet Planit